Posted in 光影, 潮, 记录 on 14:19:00 by HelenCheer《the fall》 Pages as follows
are selected from the Japanese fashion magazine 《装苑》.
Posted in 写真, 模样, 记录 on 22:43:00 by HelenCheerThe Fall
Posted in 光影 on 20:26:00 by HelenCheerRoy特技表演时失去了一条腿,女朋友弃他而去,躺在医院时他万念俱灰,一心寻死。他对小姑娘讲述的故事其实是一场引诱,一场可以提供他得以解脱,结束生命的骗局。故事最终也印照出Roy内心的绝望,每个人都被残忍地杀害,当然也包括Roy自己。单纯讲电影的情节其实很简单,生活挫败下的青年被天真无邪充满幻想的小女孩的真情所打动,最终青年明白了自己可以操控这种死亡的想象力,使自己的命运发生改变。命运在自己的手中,坚强还是放弃,就是这么回事了——所以还是因为画面,因为这充满神秘和奇异,令人着迷的异域风情。。画面太重要了——面临绝望和希望抉择的边境时,无论如何都要表现出来的细腻,这部片子最真实的地方就在这里。
小姑娘在表演时真以为躺在她面前的Lee是残疾人。Lee Pace的眼神,深情,太...英俊。
Posted in jast saying, 日本語, 友 on 22:27:00 by HelenCheer我也跑来跑去,但是想了解别人的生活就是一定要和别人住在一起,呆到烦为止,所以真相就是你仍然还是你自己。
あたしもよくそちこち走り回る、でも他人の生活を知りたいのが、他人と一緒生活して、生活し飽きたまで決まってだろう? だから、真相は君がまだ君だ。
Anywhere I Lay My Head
Posted in jast saying, 耳朵, 人物 on 20:22:00 by HelenCheerYear: 2008 Producer:Dave Sitek (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
1. Fawn (2:32)
2. Town with no cheer (5:03)
3. Falling down (4:55)
4. Anywhere I lay my head (3:39)
5. Fannin' street (5:06)
6. Song for Jo (4:09)
7. Green grass (3:33)
8. I wish I was in New Orleans (3:59)
9. I don't want to grow up (4:11)
10. No one knows I'm gone (2:57)
11. Who are you (4:49)
专辑除了原创曲Song For Jo,全是翻唱Tom Waits,在我看她只是利用了老Tom的歌词,小妮子还强悍地请来了David Bowie合声("Falling Down" and "Fannin' Street") 。整张CD听下来,我第一想到的是Nico,然后是Jesus and Mary Chain,Mazzy Star,My Bloody Valentine。。。很Indie,老天,不要太4AD!也许还不只是,我知道的真不多。难道有人单纯地指望她是Kylie Minogue那样的同类绝色?更恶劣的是还拿她和布兰妮相提并论?斯佳丽的胸部的确很直观,曲线很好莱坞,因为她其实完全不会介意。
懒得去做什么比较了,唱歌谁不会呢。我看到的是一个拥有丰富内心和独特爱好的姑娘,斯佳丽只管热衷于表达兴趣,也证明了并不是所有美女都热衷于对摇滚圈的人以身相许。这张《Anywhwere I lay my head》对我来说至少是音乐。音乐是可以令人畅游其中的,我喜欢没事听电影原声,这点来说这张唱片也合我的胃口。不讲一个人的声线该怎么样才对,音乐是可以去渲染一个场景,波动一种情绪。这里的人声就是乐器,高音或者低沉,起伏甚至隐藏,不管怎么样,斯佳丽有自己的方式。
Be high-waisted
Posted in 潮, 记录 on 15:58:00 by HelenCheerToyo Ito,TAMA ART University Library
Posted in architectural record on 21:30:00 by HelenCheerWith its iconic arches, Toyo Ito’s new library at Tama Art University has the aura of a Romanesque building. But caves, not compression structures, were the architect’s inspiration, so any similarities to European antecedents are merely superficial. And unlike the straightforward, repetitive systems used historically, Ito’s high-tech concrete curves—each one different—tiptoe gracefully in multiple directions throughout the building.
The building marks the final stage in the development of the 45-year-old campus, one of two belonging to the multimedia art school where Ito serves as a guest professor. Located 16 miles west of central Tokyo, the hilly, 39-acre property abuts open land once earmarked for residential development but still fallow in 2007. Housed in a collection of concrete-and-glass buildings bound by tree-lined streets, the school enrolls 3,600 students who commute daily to its studio and performing arts facilities. Ito’s library commands a choice site overlooking the university’s main gate and the public bus stop beyond it. Defined on two sides by bowed walls, it makes a strong first impression: monumental without being a monument, and contextual in scale and material without getting lost in the shuffle.
To capitalize on the building’s strategic location, Ito first wanted to submerge the library and top it off with a single-story gathering place where students and professors could cross paths and exhibit their work. But this idea did not go over well with the university administration, which envisioned a conventional 3- or 4-story building with a gallery below. Also, buried infrastructure prevented a full-scale site excavation. Despite these roadblocks, Ito was unwilling to abandon his original concept altogether. So he inverted his underground grotto and turned it into a 60,700-square-foot building with a single, large space on each of its two stories, each one loosely divided into functional zones by arcades.
A continuous sheet of concrete, the building’s cavernous ground floor flows down to the north, following the land’s natural slope. It reads as a unified, slanting space accessed through an arcaded gallery. A circulation conduit and multipurpose exhibition hall all in one, this informal gallery has plenty of room for students to congregate around one of its built-in tables or display their work, be it a painting or a performance piece. It also acts as the entry foyer leading into the library, whose ground level contains the circulation desk, an administrative area, a media bar, and magazine display tables topped with glass that parallel the angled floor. A set of stairs shaped like a floating curlicue of concrete ascends to the second floor, where the main reading area flows into open stacks on one side and a two-story block of closed stacks on the other. Unlike downstairs, the floor plane here had to be level for the book trolleys that transport the library’s 10,000 volumes. But overhead, the ceiling tilts up gently, filling the entire second floor with soft, north light.
no crying angel
Posted in jast saying, 记录 on 17:00:00 by HelenCheer新屋的对面是一个垒成山坡型的公园,有不少身杆挺拔的大树,个个撑着巨型的树冠,即使是秋天,深色的树叉搭配上并不稀疏的树叶,深深沉沉漫开去一片。山坡脚下的一处平地,用短木桩圈出一块朴素的泥土地,这里摆着两部摇木马,一架小滑梯,一片细沙坑和木长椅。像这样普通的孩童嬉戏地是每个社区必设的,通常还会有秋千,而我对此再熟悉不过了。夜晚那里是我常去散步的地方,我想我是喜欢上了这些色彩柔和造型有趣的大玩具。此时天气好,人自然不少,主妇们带着自家不止一个孩子上这儿会面其他主妇。细细嗦嗦地讲着这家长那家短,孩子们则象一群脱缰的小马,疯跑疯玩疯笑。瞧着这些精神的孩子们,我猜那些主妇们微笑的脸上透着的是满足与欣慰吧。
这不由让我想起家乡的那些孩子,他们嬉戏的场所究竟演变成什么样子呢?我们不愿承认的事实是, 高楼吞噬绿地,城市规划局面淆乱,人均绿化面积在小区设计中虽是硬指标,却更多栽上既不美观也不合时宜的灌木,日子一久便垂了头歪了腰。至于社区健身场地铺设硬质水泥地, 显然也很欠考虑。为孩子们提供一个身心愉悦且安全的环境是每个成年人保护幼者最基本的意识与责任。他们需要在有充沛阳光,清澈空气,绿树,温润的水呵护包容下,带着甜蜜灿烂的笑容被正确引导。没有人会忍心去破坏应属他们的这一切。
人的一生如此有限,我们发着柔嫩的芽茁壮成长这个过程稍纵即逝,在这纯粹又如此脆弱的起始阶段,无所保留地给予每个孩子感受美好事物的空间, 让每个孩子都留藏着自己愉悦的童年回忆 ,亦或拥有不后悔的青春。我认为,只有依恋着这个世界的美好, 信心百倍地成长,才能勇敢地面对人生中接下来的艰难,用坚强的心保护我们所爱的人并给予他们支撑。无论如何,我不愿意看见哭泣的小脸蛋,我们没有理由把自己的懦弱施加给无辜的孩子,或者斥责他们不经意的无心作为。
Jon Brion
Posted in 光影, 耳朵, 人物 on 13:32:00 by HelenCheer从我喜欢的两部电影《Punch-Drunk Love》和《Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind》中的绝佳配乐开始,我忍不住去寻找Jon Brion的音乐,进而再去找他配乐的电影。Brion应该是个有趣的人。他的音乐里奇幻、美妙还有少许的慵散,有时候更像是梦的舞步,陪同影像用各种实验玩味的电子、弦乐、键盘使电影的浪漫与哀愁产生各种微妙的化学反应。听过他改编的很多熟能详耳的曲子,像Radiohead的《Creep》、Led Zeppelin的《Stairway to Heaven》和Beatles的歌等等,对Brion的音乐表现我感到惊喜,之余就是音乐的这种愉悦的自由心境。也是我目前Mp3的Top Artist。
资料:Last FM
Throughout the '90s, Brion found himself increasingly in demand in the studio, producing and collaborating on albums by Aimee Mann, Fiona Apple, Rufus Wainwright, David Byrne, and the Eels and soundtracks including the Grammy-nominated Magnolia.Recently, Brion experimented Hip-Hop style as producer on Kanye West last album, "Late Registration". The result is brilliant, with real-life instruments mashed up with heavy beats. To complete this mutation, Kanye West did a live recording of his record at the mythic Abbey Road Studio, Jon Brion being the missing link between Hip Hop and The Beatles pop music.In addition to his prolific studio work, he also has held a long-term position as "the house band" Friday nights at the high-profile Hollywood nightclub Largo. At his live shows, the crowd can expect anything from guest appearances by Aimee Mann, Michael Stipe, Elvis Costello, T-Bone Burnett, or Grant Lee Phillips, and Brion is infamous for making up songs on the spot (often from titles shouted from the audience). He also is beloved for his quirky cover versions of songs by Cheap Trick, the Beatles, and Cole Porter, proudly likening his on-stage antics to "spraying musical Raid on the classics, until each dying song flips on its back and wiggles its little musical legs in surrender." Whatever music he was involved in, his eclectic touch undeniably shaped the sound of many progressive alternative musicians throughout the '90s.
Posted in jast saying, 写真, 模样 on 22:54:00 by HelenCheer半个月前的我,夏末的最后一张形象。
Posted in 记录 on 15:36:00 by HelenCheer在机场宅急便办托运,过程十分便捷,近20公斤的行李箱1700円第二天一早便能送到。摆脱了一件大家伙顿感轻松不少,买好票去空港地下一层坐skyline的快行线到日暮里站,再换乘京滨东北线到达蕨站。电车里的屏幕无声地播放着介绍香港旅行的广告,李小龙的塑像滑稽地立在维多利亚港口,仿佛像是丹麦港口的美人鱼翻版。这会儿正好是下班时间,电车里满是穿着深色西装返家的职员,顾自打盹,玩手机,看书,人虽多却也安静,偶俄私语的人忍不住发出的笑声,可以传到两个车厢之外。出了蕨站口是晚上8点多,天空中飘着凉飕飕的细雨,路灯下看到来接我的sho桑,sho桑是我在日学习期间的合住同伴,日语和英语都相当好,我衷心希望自己能早日达到他的水平! (080929)
Posted in jast saying, 光影, 美剧 on 15:32:00 by HelenCheer至于我看的一部挺火的美剧《迷失》,无疑它不仅扑朔迷离,而且在无望境地里的励志情绪显得它较为积极,可能这就是前年金球奖上它能够取胜越狱的原因吧。我看到第二季的18集,坦白说我已经很烦,我越是急于知道事情的真相,剧情就越是一波未平一波遂起,而且有些情节看似毫无根据,像是编剧在那里胡诌,让观者掉进一个愈加混乱的谜团里休想出来。故事可能是想借助这一点来捕获人心,可是结果令人身心疲惫,毫无头绪,也失去了部分耐心。我看的美剧不多,但我知道连续剧通常在心急如焚的时候会跟你说再见,但是瞧吧,这集的时候居然又出现了两个神经病,我感觉我被戏弄了。......总之〈迷失〉已经完全将我迷失了,可能它就是个魔幻故事或是巫术之类的题材也说不定,我对每一条我找到的线索都没有信心。我的兴趣其实开始转移到那些剧情的把戏上去了,看不看其实都无所谓。
Posted in jast saying on 13:42:00 by HelenCheer比如电视上经常讲述的那些故事。是什么能让一个经受过挫折的单亲家庭会千方百计地阻挠自己儿女与他人的一份真挚的爱情?亦或这份爱情正因为受到阻挠而变得强硬?我发现我还是不懂,或者说我已经不再喜欢这样去考虑,就像我如今不喜欢那些现代诗歌一样,它们看似真切却也稍纵即逝,变成日常生活中每个人口中的一些毫无意义的絮絮叨叨。
Posted in 耳朵 on 11:19:00 by HelenCheer1. Home
2. Alice
3. Living in Limbo
4. Waterloo Station
5. My Secret
6. Où Est La Ville?
7. Steal Me a Dream
8. Sans Toi
9. Harvest Moon
10. Reine Sans Royaume
11. Mother Stands for Comfort
12. Image Fantôme - Pavane Pour une Infante Défunte
我一直渴望有一只庞大的行李箱,能把我所有宝贝的碟,书, 三部一次成相机,衣服…装在里头即使去了远方,也能带在身边,我猜想我是只剩下贫瘠的精神需要它们来安慰了。这回我打算量力而为,试一次用海运托运行李。
Posted in jast saying, 玩意 on 13:49:00 by HelenCheer9月1日提了辞呈,不舍之情恍惚间像回到了当初大学毕业时的情形。
9月4日 上午办好了所有的手续,中午和可爱的同事们吃了一肚子的湘菜,我可真爱他们啊,尤其是干了若干杯可乐之后。
Posted in 友 on 1:28:00 by HelenCheer从初中开始,我就习惯于从你那里求得平静的气息,我的不安情绪就是那么容易在你的微笑下烟消云散。你就像你的名字一样美好。即使如今的我们已不能向从前那样常常窝在一起分享一盒满是忧伤情歌的磁带,还有坐在傍晚的操场上望着天空一同唱着记得滚瓜烂熟的歌。我依然怀念托着下巴从四楼的走道望着远处灰色楼房和那更远处看不见的风景的日子。这些伴随着成长的点滴汇聚成彼此间最亲密的信赖。
twin peaks
Posted in 光影, 耳朵, 人物, 美剧 on 13:59:00 by HelenCheer"On the surface, ABC's Twin Peaks was a detective series like any other, its core intrigue summarized neatly in four delicious words: Who killed Laura Palmer? But cocreators David Lynch and Mark Frost (whose work on ''Hill Street Blues'' broke several rules itself) were never content with the easily explained, turning what could have been another run-of-the-mill series into a dreamscape of midgets and giants, one-armed men and log ladies, murder suspects and homemade pie. This four-disc set features the first seven hour-long episodes, plus commentary from directors, crew members, and writers, but it's sorely missing Lynch himself and the series pilot he directed (arguably the finest work of his career). But even these omissions can't detract from the brilliance of the show, one of the most innovative to ever grace the small screen."
-----By Stephen McGill
"do u believe soul?"
"more than one?"
"black foot legend. waking souls given lifes the mind in the body and dreaming souls wanders."
"dreaming souls... where they wander?"
"all the way places, to the land of dead."
"is there where Laura is? "
"reposing under the ground,Agent Cooper,it's the only thing i'm sure."
yes, it's a part of dialoge of cult TV classic, "Twin Peaks". OK, you ask: "Why is watching a TV show from the early 1990s interesting?" To me, "Twin Peaks" was a magnificent show.The storylines were complex to a point of not being understandable (that whole Donna/James storyline didn’t make a bit of sense) But the show was terrific because it dealt with the battle between good and evil. And yes, sometimes evil won on that show. But the battle was very real - in a campy, David Lynch-TV style way.
And, i should say the TV show's success also have a key point, the very one ---tv soundtrack maker Angelo Badalamenti..he compositions snaked their way around the actors and scenes in a near perfect dance. Long after the television show had gone away, the music still stands on its own, and it still has that transporting effect on me.
Posted in jast saying on 15:05:00 by HelenCheer直到我逐渐地懂事,我更失望地发现即使连最无辜的为增进人类身心健康的体育运动,也被当做达到种种最私心的利益目的全然落到仅仅是工具的地步。至少,我所触及到的失败已经有着覆灭的意味,它关联着升学或者一生的出路,被贴了象征性的标签再也不是单纯的娱乐。记得朋友和我玩笑似的提到某位喜爱射击飞盘运动的沙特王子,闲来无聊花重金请了名牌教练教授自己,还报名参加了奥运会,谁料又得了块射击飞盘项目的金牌,玩出了成绩。可于我们国家的运动员来说,显然不会有这么轻松,比赛取得好名次好比是寒窗苦读获取功名的事。所以它的残酷性不言而喻。后者得以有忍者般的精神,虽然可敬,但却不可爱也很无奈。这真的很使我觉得既不好玩也很丧气。我想我既无法做到以愉悦的心情参与其中,也不再能抱着轻松的心态观赏比赛失败后的运动员,面对淘汰的命运却还装做不在意的神态。我想我敏感的神经再一次证明了自己是多么容易受到这样扫兴的影响。于是,当网络新闻以满屏鲜红的“胜利”或者“出局”字样标题吸引观者眼球的同时,我只能惊慌地扫视这其中强调金牌数那条咤眼的红,以避免和同事聊天时犯下可笑的错误。
Mod Girl Tips
Posted in 潮 on 0:57:00 by HelenCheer
成为Mod Girl,或如何使Pose like mod girl?以下是一些有用的提示,典型的。
▦ A-line shapes
▦ just below the knee(3" below)
▦ homemade shift dresses
▦ herringbone or pinstripes
▦ navy,ink green,gray,burgundy
▦ straight skirts with short boxy suit jackets
▦ twin-sets from Marks and Spencer
▦ tees with initials
▦ nylon macs
▦ 3/4 length suede and leather coats
▦ flat and super straight
▦ chin length
▦ center part
▦ deep,thick bangs/fringe
▦ men's trousers
▦ ski pants
▦ hipster styles
▦ clunky 'Granny" shoes
▦ Hush Puppies
▦ Anello and Davide tap shoes(without taps)
▦ 1.5" heels
▦ shiny black patent leather
▦ heavy black Kohl-lined eyes
▦ false eyelashes
▦ painted-on lashes on lower lid
▦ white lipstick
▦ light foundation
▦ small earrings
▦ BEA flight bags
▦ watches with striped canvas bands