从我喜欢的两部电影《Punch-Drunk Love》和《Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind》中的绝佳配乐开始,我忍不住去寻找Jon Brion的音乐,进而再去找他配乐的电影。Brion应该是个有趣的人。他的音乐里奇幻、美妙还有少许的慵散,有时候更像是梦的舞步,陪同影像用各种实验玩味的电子、弦乐、键盘使电影的浪漫与哀愁产生各种微妙的化学反应。听过他改编的很多熟能详耳的曲子,像Radiohead的《Creep》、Led Zeppelin的《Stairway to Heaven》和Beatles的歌等等,对Brion的音乐表现我感到惊喜,之余就是音乐的这种愉悦的自由心境。也是我目前Mp3的Top Artist。

资料:Last FM
Throughout the '90s, Brion found himself increasingly in demand in the studio, producing and collaborating on albums by Aimee Mann, Fiona Apple, Rufus Wainwright, David Byrne, and the Eels and soundtracks including the Grammy-nominated Magnolia.Recently, Brion experimented Hip-Hop style as producer on Kanye West last album, "Late Registration". The result is brilliant, with real-life instruments mashed up with heavy beats. To complete this mutation, Kanye West did a live recording of his record at the mythic Abbey Road Studio, Jon Brion being the missing link between Hip Hop and The Beatles pop music.In addition to his prolific studio work, he also has held a long-term position as "the house band" Friday nights at the high-profile Hollywood nightclub Largo. At his live shows, the crowd can expect anything from guest appearances by Aimee Mann, Michael Stipe, Elvis Costello, T-Bone Burnett, or Grant Lee Phillips, and Brion is infamous for making up songs on the spot (often from titles shouted from the audience). He also is beloved for his quirky cover versions of songs by Cheap Trick, the Beatles, and Cole Porter, proudly likening his on-stage antics to "spraying musical Raid on the classics, until each dying song flips on its back and wiggles its little musical legs in surrender." Whatever music he was involved in, his eclectic touch undeniably shaped the sound of many progressive alternative musicians throughout the '90s.
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